Saturday, November 19, 2011

The begining of somewhere in the middle

Instead of antidepressants and anxiety I have decided to throw my thoughts out there in the wild wild Internet.
Just to catch you up to speed, I have been battling... no...dealing with... not very well...I guess you can say infertility has been happening to me.
I always wanted to write but never had anything emotionally wrenching happen to enkindle my creativity. I thought I could write but no one wants to hear of the tragedy that is the life of a happy girl who grew up in a happy household and somewhat in the suburbs. No abuse, no lack of opportunity, educated. I mean unless you count a moderate self image/weight issues (not obese but lets say size 8 to 1o) I had nothing to spark something that others wanted to read about.
Come to think of it I would trade this little problem in for a baby or two, but life threw me this card and I am going to trade in my Rx for (insert prescription drug of choice for anxiety and depression here) for some fuel for writing.

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